Your website’s “About Us” page is where you can share your unique identity with the world and make a great first impression. It can work really hard for your brand, as long as it’s created well. Want to learn if your “About Us” page stands out? Take this short quiz to find out, and also learn some tips for a better “About Us” page.
What’s the title of your “About” page?
Your “About” page should stand out right away, with a compelling headline and explanatory subhead. For tips for a better “About Us” page, see how Google does it with engaging headlines.
How does your “About” page showcase your company history?
A visual timeline is a better way to illustrate your history. Want a more effective “About Us” page? See how the photographer community website 500px creates an engaging timeline.
How does your “About” page explain what you do?
Video is a great way to tell your story in a compelling and interesting way and goes a long way to make a more effective “About Us” page. Check out the Visa website “About” page for a great example.
How does your “About” page explain your mission and vision?
Your “About Us” page should contain your mission and vision. But go a step further and show how you attain your mission and how that is fulfilling your vision. See how National Geographic uses photos to illustrate (and encourage further exploration of) how action-oriented their mission and vison are.
How does your “About” page feature awards and recognition?
Citing your awards and honors on your “About” page is a good idea, but think how to do that in a clever, at-a-glance way. Look at how Deloitte uses an infographic to sum up its workplace awards.
Sometimes, you need to step back and get a little perspective about things you are closest to – like your own company’s website. Give us a call and we can take an unbiased look and give you some free insight. Call now at 267.328.1443.