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Genuine buzz-worthy content connects with people on a human level. It builds a sense of excitement and urgency around your brand.

But there’s a thin line between buzz and hype – throwing everything you have at a reader or viewer in order to manipulate emotions. With hype marketing, messages that overpromise will typically mean that a consumer’s expectations won’t meet reality. The result? Loss of brand credibility.

Here are some writing tips to help you generate genuine buzz-worthy content for your brand without crossing that boundary to hype.


In order to convince and convert a prospect, your content should appeal to a reader’s or viewer’s emotions and reasoning. Begin with clear and concise messaging designed to appeal to an emotional aspect. Then, use research, data, and examples to support that messaging and ground the emotional appeal.

Your content should not rely solely on data, of course. But using solid evidence to bolster messaging helps your audience draw logical conclusions about your product or service and reinforce emotional appeal.


When it comes to content marketing, credibility is key. You want your audience to trust you and believe in the products or services you’re promoting. To do that, you must give your audience reasons to believe your brand messaging and trust that what you say is true. By building credibility, you help your audience understand why your product or service is the best choice for them.

To boost your content’s credibility, provide insight your audience can relate to, like case studies and consumer reviews from customers or clients. This provides social proof and shows that real people have had positive experiences with your brand. You can also offer content that helps solve problems or answers questions that are top of mind for your audience.

Part of delivering credible, buzz-worthy content is ensuring it is error-free. So, make sure you thoroughly edit and proof content before publishing. Content riddled with typos, grammatical errors, or factual inaccuracies can diminish your brand authority and lead readers to question the validity of the information you share.


When you understand the needs and values of your audience, you can apply that to your writing to persuade your audience through emotional connection. To connect empathetically with your content, first identify the problem your audience has. Show that you understand their pain point about that problem.

Next, you’ll need to agitate them a bit. Show what the consequences would be if they ignore your advice or insight or fail to use your product or service. Then, connect by showing the solution.

In addition, make sure you create a stream of content that shows that your brand supports specific causes, nonprofits, or community efforts that positively impact society. To do this effectively, make sure the causes you support align with your brand values and can be tied to your products or services in a meaningful way.


Compelling content is not about making grand claims or empty promises. It’s about providing value to your audience. By following the tips outlined in this blog, marketers can create content that is engaging but also trustworthy and authentic.

Ready to generate buzz-worthy content that resonates with your audience? Put these tips into action and start creating content that drives engagement and builds credibility. If you’re looking for extra content support, we’d love to help! Reach out so we can better understand your needs.

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